World Book Day 2023

This year we wanted to do something a little different so we decided to ask the children to come dressed as historical characters from either fiction or non-fiction texts.

And what a brilliant day it was. The creativity and thought that went into the character costumes was phenomenal! The discussions this created between the children about history and chronology was wonderful to see; they were able to make links to periods they study in school while also learning about other parts of history and the impact some of these people had on the UK and wider world.

From an Egyptian Pharaoh and Anubis, to Greek Gods, Roman Legionaries and Vikings. Moving swiftly through the centuries to the Tudor Period - Henry VIII and his 6 wives!

Mill children and chimney sweeps were the costume of choice for the 19th century. Winston Churchill, Oskar Schindler and Emmeline Pankhurst were some of the standout costumes for the 20th century.

Our timeline started with the Ancient Egyptians (3000BC) and ended in 2019 AD - 5019 years of history in one playground!

Thank you to our parents and families for supporting World Book Day so wholeheartedly. I’m sure the children will remember this day for many years to come.