Inclusion & SEND

As a school we are committed to providing a safe, happy and creative environment and we embrace and nurture the individuality and unique qualities of all our children.  Opportunity flourishes here through the humble virtues of respect, knowledge and faith and we aim to inspire, enthuse and equip all our children to fulfil their potential.

Identification and Assessment of Pupils with SEN

At Hebden Royd C of E Primary and Nursery School, the senior leadership team, Class Teachers, and teaching assistants, work closely together to ensure that the needs of children with a variety of Special Educational Needs are met. Staff closely track the progress of all our pupils through assessment and observation, from the Early Years through to the end of Key Stage 2. We regularly assess and review pupils’ progress and development to see if there is need for any extra support, class-based intervention or help from external services.

If you feel your child may need extra help, the first person you should discuss this with is the class teacher who will talk through your child’s progress and discuss how best to support your child, both at home and at school.

You can also contact Ms Lauren Hannan, who is the Special Educational Needs Coordinator, for advice and support. To contact Ms Hannan please call school on 01422 842821 or email

We meet the needs of all children primarily through Quality First Teaching in the classroom. This will include differentiation of tasks, the awareness of different types of learners needs and the use of a variety of support materials, to ensure that pupils are able to access a broad and balanced curriculum and to make progress. If a child is identified as needing extra help, the Class Teacher will talk to you about ways they can help your child in the classroom and will offer suggestions for you to help at home.  If a pupil continues not to make progress, the Special Educational Needs Coordinator will work alongside the Class Teacher, to see what kind of additional support may be required, and what additional, targeted help can be given.

In some cases, a pupil may be placed on the Special Educational Needs Register. A support plan (MSP) will then be created in collaboration with the child, the parents and the class teacher, which will be a profile of the child and their needs including short/ medium term targets. This will be part of the school’s Assess, Plan, Do, Review process, which we use to ensure a graduated approach to special needs provision.

In a very few cases, where a pupil has a high degree of difficulty, the school, in consultation with the parents and external agencies such as an educational psychologist, may take the decision to apply for an Education Health Care Plan. If this is successful, additional funding will then be allocated from the Local Authority to provide extra support for the pupil. Parents will be informed and involved at every stage of this process and wherever possible, the pupil’s views also sought and included in any application or support plan.

Further information

Please visit our policies page for: SEN Policy, Equality Policy, Accessibility Plan, Intimate Care Policy & Medical Conditions Policy

SEN Glossary

Unique ways -

Calderdale local offer -

School nurse team -