Eco Schools

Hebden Royd Eco School Council

what is eco-schools?

Eco-Schools is a simple, seven step framework designed to place young people, like yourself, in control of environmental actions and projects in your school, local community and beyond.

why involve young people?

Climate change is happening now, and the impacts of climate change will only increase in the future. But young people don’t have to be bystanders. You can make a difference.

the seven steps

  1. Form an Eco-Committee

  2. Complete the Eco-Schools Environmental Review

  3. Decide on an Action Plan

  4. Gather environmental Curriculum Links

  5. Inform and Involve others

  6. Monitor and Evaluate projects in the Action Plan

  7. Create an Eco-Code


To achieve an Eco-Schools Green Flag there are ten topics (see below) to choose from and the Eco Council is asked to earmark three to achieve Eco-Schools status. These topics have been chosen to combat a variety of global issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss and plastic pollution.

Biodiversity Marine
Energy School Grounds
Global Citizenship Transport
Healthy Living Waste
Litter Water

This year the three topics our Eco-Council have chosen to focus on are: Energy, Healthy Living and Transport.

what has been happening?

The Eco-Council hold regular meetings (see minutes below).

Check out our Informing & Involving Video: Written & performed by Isaac and Orson

Our Eco-School Committee is led by Jamie Wardley (Environment Governor) and a small group of parents who support the children in action planning and carrying out the work needed to address each chosen topic. We have 16 elected Eco-Council members from Year 2 - Year 6.

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

Robert swan


We are the eco council and here’s what we do:

We pick up litter and you should too,

Pick up plastic, paper and card,

To tell you the truth

It’s really not hard!

 Don’t forget about biodiversity,

So many living things we should support,

So sad if their lives were cut short!

So do something about it at home and school,

They support our life on earth.

They are all so very cool!

Global Citizenship is last but not least,

Kindness and happiness will only be increased!

Individuals working together creates unity,

Is all you need is to value your community!


We are the eco council and here’s what we do:

We have one last thing to tell you.

Pick up litter,

Don’t be a quitter!

Show love to your community,

So, we can create some real unity!

Finally, why not grow a plant?

‘Cos this is the ECO COUNCIL CHANT. 

Eco-Council Minutes




eco newsletters

May 2023


What have we been getting up to?