Spring cleaning

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Friday 1st March is not only St David’s Day but Miss Young thought it was the start of The Great British Spring Clean weekend so we all trooped down to our school field and the orchard area over at the edge of our site and that of the old mill to do a spot of litter picking during our playtime. (It turns out that GBSC is at the end of this month not the beginning!) 

We couldn’t believe the amount of rubbish we found - packets, wrappers, an old rubber car door seal, bottles, lots of plastic and a worryingly large amount of dog poo bags which were full but not disposed of in a bin by the owners of the dogs!

Thank you to Jason Boom from Hebden Town Council who gave us the loan of litter pickers. We think we need a dog poo bin in situ so we’re going to write and ask our council if we could have one near the footpath on our field. We’ll let you know how we go on.

Spring clean