New zebra crossing

Did you sign our petition to get a zebra crossing at the bottom of the road? Before the Chrsitmas holidays one of our ex-pupils was run over early on a morning as she crossed the road. It is a regular crossing used by many people but in the winter months it is hard to see the children on a morning - a zebra crossing has Belisha beacons and so from further away drivers are already aware that there may be someone crossing and look out for them and temper their speed. Our school council have sent a letter of concern to the town Council of Hebdenm Bridge and with it a petition of children and adult signatures regarding the installation of a suitable crossing to help us be safer on the road. We are super grateful to have Chris who is out there in all weathers but he can only be there for certain hours of the day and unfortunately the high school children in our area need to cross the busy main road before his shift starts. Here's Ella posting the letter - we'll keep you updated.
