Sculpture Trail 2023 - UGLY BUG BALL

This year our sculpture trail theme was bugs. This tied in nicely with the science learning in EYFS and Key Stage 1 and also helped the children think about the importance of biodiversity which linked to our Eco School status.

It was placed on our school field and around our Forest School area for the local community to come and see. It proved a real hit during our Fun Day.

The children made some amazing bugs, large and small. If you came down to the field you could see: bumblebees, butterflies, cockroaches, Caddis Fly larvae, crickets, dragonflies, Jewel Beetle, ladybirds, Pond skater, snails and spiders!

A big thank you to Mrs. Hulme for all her hard work planning and preparing this installation. Another celebration of our children’s artistic talents!