Key Stage 1 - Food Bank Donations

Year 1 & 2 have been talking about Christmas in their R.E. sessions this half-term.  The children have been thinking about people less fortunate than themselves.  With that in mind, they set out to get as many donations of food as possible to give to Todmorden Food Drop In.  It was AMAZING how many items parents were able to donate, the children and staff very much appreciate the generosity shown.  Mrs. Bullman dropped off a car load of treats on Tuesday after school.  The people who run the Drop In were so grateful. Well done & thank you to the children and families; you have made a real difference this Christmas by supporting your local community.

Mrs. Bullman received this message from the people at Todmorden Food Bank:

All of us at the Food Drop In wanted to say a huge thank you to all the children and families who donated and helped with this fantastic donation of food! This will help so much with our Christmas parcels for the people who come to us.
We were moved by your lovely card, and so glad to hear your kind thoughts.
Please give all the children a big cheer from us, and wish everyone a very Happy Christmas.

Best Regards

Adam McNicholks1, smsc, community, RE