Hands On Maths

This academic year Mr. Robinson has brought in a ‘Hand On Maths’ rotation for all year groups.

Using maths in a real-life context will help the children to understand the world and provide them with an effective way of building mental discipline. Hands On Maths encourages logical reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, abstract or spatial thinking, problem-solving ability, and even effective communication skills.

The children have really enjoyed their first Hands On Maths sessions this term.

In EYFS they were matching and sorting items at Forest School.

In Year 1 & 2 the children made Rice Crispy nests, they were thinking about measurement and measuring. Using equipment to measure ingredients accurately - they had a lot of fun and even got to eat their maths work at the end of the session!

Year 3 & 4 linked their session to their history topic ‘Ancient Greece’. They made Greek biscuits called Mosaiko. The children had to use weighing and measuring skills to measure out the correct ingredients, reading scales carefully. They were then asked to scale the recipes up and down by doubling and halving the ingredient quantities.

Year 5 & 6 used the session to revise areas of maths from autumn 1 and make some Rocky Road. The ingredients list was in Roman Numerals so firstly, they had to convert Roman Numerals to Arabic numbers. Once they had worked this out they had to then carry out some division as the recipe was for 16 people but they had to make it for 4. This meant that for a number of ingredient quantities the children were having to carry out division with a decimal answer.